Erfurt, 2012
A lemure‘s forest was formed with light trees, that leads the visitor into the apparently natural habitat of the animals.While stalking through the forest one can experience the animal world in different ways: wether on a walkway under the crowns or on a path leading through the boughs. The animals can be observed from the different perspectives. But the lemure‘s forest doesn‘t only focusses on the aviary - it is an experience space around the actual enclosure as well. Children and even the adults can emulate the monkeys and climb, swing or brachiate in several ways. The aviary itself is part of the forest and in this way it is integrated into the landscape.
client: Thüringer Zoopark Erfurt
area: 1.0 ha
competition (1. prize): 2010
completion: 2012
partners: Heinle Wischer und Partner, Dresden
area: 1.0 ha
competition (1. prize): 2010
completion: 2012
partners: Heinle Wischer und Partner, Dresden