Creation of a new compound for giraffes and zebras
Dresden, 2008
In order to create a more spatial impression of the giraffe compound, the imposing scenery of the park Großer Garten is used as a visual extension of the zoo.Within the lengthening of the existing visitor paths, tongues of land were embedded into the compound and enable a close-up view of the giraffe enclosure. That way the visitor is under the impression to be right among the animals. The different zones of the compound were arranged in a savannah, water hole or scrubland style to show the giraffes in their natural habitat. A “spying tree” gives visitors the opportunity to observe the giraffes at eye level. For those who walk through the Großer Garten, the old zoo entrance serves as a “zoo window”. Small keyholes in the gateway allow a peek into the zoo and draw the interest of any passer-by.
client: Zoo Dresden GmbH
area: 0.4 ha
competition (1. prize): 2007
completion: 2008
partners: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, DresdenIBD, HJW, Le
architects: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, Dresden
area: 0.4 ha
competition (1. prize): 2007
completion: 2008
partners: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, DresdenIBD, HJW, Le
architects: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, Dresden