Strategy for ecological and touristic development
Dresden, 2012

The city of Dresden is planning to reorganise the Priessnitz between its source and the confluence with the Schwarzwasser in the Dresdner Heide forest. The poor ecological condition of the watercourse is to be improved by reactivating the floodplains, extensifying agricultural use, taking measures to raise the riverbed and develop vegetation appropriate to the location, as well as promoting the river's own dynamics. To this end, the relevance of tourism and local recreation was analysed and a concept developed that combines the planned near-natural redesign of the watercourse with compatible local recreational use, taking particular account of agricultural uses. The measures defined in the concept can provide important and sustainable impetus for local recreation on the outskirts of Dresden. The creation of an attractive, scenic green link between the forest areas of Dresdner Heide and Karswald opens up new perspectives and spaces for nature-based forms of recreation. The development of extensive agricultural uses can lead to new sources of income for the neighbouring farms.

client: Landeshauptstadt Dresden
planning: 2012