Feldkirch, 2009
A spacious plaza forms the school entrée where car and bicycle parking are integrated band-like. The schoolyard is accentuated by pine trees and low perennials in a gravel and stone bed. Benches at both sides of the green island offer the students seating opportunities.
The sports facilities including a tartan playing field, a beach volleyball field and a site for shotput are located on the roof top of the gym in the western part of the school site. They get accessed via the schoolyard or gym’s staircase. The gym’s overhead light between playing field and beach volleyball is used as stands.
client: Immobilienmanagementgesellschaft des Bundes mbH
area: 0.6 ha
competition (1. prize): 2004
completion: 2009
architects: Schulz & Schulz Architekten, Leipzig
area: 0.6 ha
competition (1. prize): 2004
completion: 2009
architects: Schulz & Schulz Architekten, Leipzig