Leipzig, 2000
The project "Landschaftspark Cospuden" (Cospuden landscape park) is part of the EXPO Leipzig and is a documentation of the transition of a former surface mining area into a landscape park and recreation area.Embedded into the park close to the "Lauer Waldbad" (Lauer open-air pool) are the "Wassergärten" (water gardens) which are an important focal point. The "Wind-Wasser-Garten" (wind and water garden) is an interpretation of the natural location in close proximity to the reedy lakeshore.Moving metal figurines are placed on long steel poles that are anchored within a circular depression which is overgrown with grass. Like fish swimming against the current colourful metal flags are moving in the wind. A narrow path leads down towards the centre of the artificial lake.
client: Stadtverwaltung Leipzig
area: 0.1 ha
completion: 2000
area: 0.1 ha
completion: 2000