Richard-Wagner-Square is interpreted as central connecting space for downtown Nuremberg. It is a place to pass and to stay at the same time. It is also the ‚gate‘ to one of Nuremburg‘s most important cultural locations.
It is aimed to rearrange the site in function and design to present the square in an appropriate way. The new square is given space for temporary activities such as little performances what makes it to a special place within the cultural surroundings.
While the overall design features the square as one element of a ‚culture mile‘, specific subspaces were created for different uses. So the different site sequences whose creative accents correspond with the adjacent urban structures are perceptible.
client: Stadtverwaltung Nürnberg, Stadtplanungsamt
area: 1.1 ha
competition (1. prize): 2009
area: 1.1 ha
competition (1. prize): 2009