Mittweida, 2002

The design of the “Campusplatz” (campus square) is referring to the building and on the other hand to the urban situation with upcoming construction and open space around the town hall. It is intended to create a spatially generous context. Due to a level change on site the plaza is divided into “Hörsaalplatz” (auditorium square) and “Campusplatz”. A connection is established by a generous staircase. An elongated, diagonally placed wall forms the border between square and surrounding campus and functionally negotiates the level change between “Campusplatz” and adjacent rock garden. Areas designed to be low maintenance meadows have been graded in a way that allow a level access into the open space from the garden story. Close to the garden exits at the foot of the slope, retaining walls placed at seat wall hight.

client: Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement
area: 0.5 ha
competition (1. prize): 1998
completion: 2002
partners: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, Dresden
architects: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, Dresden