In Riesa a distinctive Elbe skyline had been developed throughout centuries which was going to be developedfurther and reorganised northwards. One of the architectural marks is the harbour entrance. Existing slopes were used to form a plateau on which the „Hafenwaechter“ (look out) rises and offers great views into surroundings and at the city‘s skyline. At the western port entrance plaza the „Elbweiser“ is implemented at ground level. This steel sign refers to Riesa‘s industrial history which is affected by steel. It is designed with shipping and river motifs and leads visitors towards the Elbe meadows and the port entrance.
The nearby area of the pipe research centre and the State-Approved Academy became a special imprint as a campuslike park. „Bildungsstufen“ (education staircases) offer seating-accomodation. They are furniture, landscape element and educational play object at one time. Thematic play options were designed to experience the park by whispering, calling or listening. Additional play facilities are „Kinetoide“. Their focus is exercise and strength training for students.
area: 5.6 ha
competition (1. prize): 2009
completion: 2013