To mark the event of the Bavarian State Garden Show, a new system of open spaces was created in the medieval town of Burghausen. Their goal was to improve the connection between the historic district with its castle grounds and the newly developed districts of the town. The main element of the new green spaces is the municipal park in the Neustadt district. Elaborate gardens, squares and playgrounds surround a spacious meadow. Part of the area can be used as a multifunctional festival ground. The design picks up different motives from the historic old town and projects them into the city park. The “Spielgebirge” (playing mountains), “Nebelwald” (foggy forest) and the “Wasserplatz” (water place) represent these projections in the form of separate gardens with a concise use of forms. Another focal point of the concept was the renewal of the castle grounds by the standards of historical preservation.
area: 22.5 ha
competition (1. prize): 2000
completion: 2004