Freiberg, 2004
The TU Bergakademie Freiberg was founded in 1765 and is the world’s oldest academy specialized in the sciences of mining and metallurgy. The school is located in the northern part of the city of Freiberg (Saxony) on either side of highway B 101. Through the exchange of information and interdisciplinary academical processes, ties are being formed creating a network of knowledge and connecting the different disciplines and fields of research. This ideological structure is integrated into the design and is transferred into the development of the new campus. The designs foundations are layered: “Campus Grey” for Infrastructure, “Campus Green” for Vegetation, “Campus Orange” for Campus network. This layer-structure exemplifies the interaction of various components from which the campus’ intended character is developed.
client: Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien-und Baumanagement
area: 40.0 ha
completion: 2004
area: 40.0 ha
completion: 2004