Enhancement of an inner-city district
Dresden, 2013

In the 18th century Dresdens district Friedrichstadt became a well-planned area with a baroque layout. Magnificent suburban mansions, lush gardens and farms had great influence on the district during its time of development. But with increasing industrialisation, the construction of the railway embankment and the relocation of the river Weisseritz, its image changed. Despite being located adjacent to the centre of Dresden it became less attractive and lost in quality as a favoured place to live. Beside a number of floods, the deindustrialisation led to a very fragmented and incomplete structure within the past decades.

The aim of Quartier Friedrichstadt e.V. is to entirely improve the district but mostly to strengthen its qualities as a residential location close to the centre. The main road though the district “Friedrichstraße” plays a key role. A clear signal of civic involvement has to be sent out to initiate positive development.

client: Quartier Friedrichstadt e.V.
planning: 2013