Charles Square is the green centre of Prague's New Town. Created in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV, it received its present form in 1885 by the garden architect Frantisek Thomayer. As a decorative jewel it is a historical testimony of its time, but today there are also some shortcomings, especially in the lack of connection with the surrounding urban space. The aim of the design is therefore to improve the integration and transparency of the square, while respecting its valuable status, through targeted interventions. The idea of the "urban framework", which encloses the historical park as a modern, multifunctional open space, stands for this. In a combination of tree-lined promenade and benches, a permeable transit and recreation zone is created. It opens several new entrances into the interior space and integrates the most important functional components such as the tram stop and the park café. The floor covering of the frame recodes the traditional Prague mosaic pavement and tells stories from old and new times in a digitally readable sign language. In front of the Neustadt Town Hall, the park is transformed into a square. In the future, there will be space here for markets, events and other activities. The realisation of the concept is scheduled for 2025.
area: 6.5 ha
competition (1. prize): 2018
partners: BY Architects (architecture), PD Filip (traffic planning)