Rehwaldt Landscape Architects was founded in 1993 by Till Rehwaldt in Dresden. An analytical approach, based on intensive involvement with the local conditions is our main operating principal. This method being the guideline for our work, we have continued developing parks, gardens, landscapes and urban open spaces in very different spatial settings, ever since. We pursue the realisation of conceptual ideas in all stages of a project – from the first sketch to the implementation of small details on the construction site.

We use spatial concepts to develop customised sustainable perspectives for cities and entire landscapes. Green infrastructure plays a special role here, as a long-term strategy for resilient and multifunctional green and water systems, and nature-based solutions as an approach to the conversion of existing facilities.


The Rehwaldt office was founded in Dresden in 1993. Since 1998, we have been working in our original location with a view over the Elbe landscape. We have now grown into two separate branches in close proximity, so that a small campus has now emerged in the Prussian Quarter.

Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten
Bautzner Strasse 133
D - 01099 Dresden
tel.: +49 351 8119690
fax: +49 351 8119699

Our Berlin office is located in one of the few preserved houses in the historic Hansaviertel district. It's conveniently located right by the Tiergarten S-Bahn station, complete with a lush front yard designed by our former roommate, Ben Wagin.

Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten
Projektbüro Berlin
Joseph-Haydn-Str. 1
10557 Berlin
tel.: +49 30 39885802

Initially, in 2017, we moved into an office in Prague 2, (New Town). Since 2018, we've been working in the Dejvice district, in a house designed by Czech architect Jaroslav Vondrák. Luckily, he had designed a small balcony at the top, from which we now have a bird’s eye view over the green, tree-lined street.

Rehwaldt Landscape Architects
Charlese de Gaulla 629/5
160 00 Praha 6
tel.: +420 773 533 708

710, Building 2, No. 28 Xiaoyun Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, PR China

RLA Rehwaldt Landscape Architects
project Office Guangzhou
Room 2103, Building 2, Phase 2,
Aoyuan International Center, No. 36
Wanhui 1st Road,
Nancun Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City,
Guangdong Province


  • German University Building Award 2024

    Fritz-Förster-Bau, TU Dresden , wicth Code Unique Architects

    Auslober: German University Foundation under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs

  • Saxon State Prize for Rural Building 2023 - Award

    Kirchenumfeld Mittweida ,

    Auslober: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie

  • State award for building culture Brandenburg 2023 - 1st prize

    Kulturweberei Finsterwalde , with HBRM Architekten (Finsterwalde und Berlin)

    Auslober: Brandenburgische Architektenkammer (BA) und Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer (BBIK) mit Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Infrastruktur und Landesplanung (MIL)

    Brandenburgischer Baukulturpreis 2023

  • Saxon state award "Gardens in the City 2023" - special award

    Kulturweberei Finsterwalde , Sonderpreis in der Kategorie „Freianlagen an öffentlichen Einrichtungen. Mit der Stadt Mittweida.

    Auslober: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie

  • Saxon state award "Gardens in the City 2020" - 1st prize

    Karl-May Garden Radebeul , 1. Preis in der Kategorie „Andere neu gestaltete Freiraumsysteme“Für das Projekt Karl-May-Hain, Radebeul

    Auslober: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie


  • Grüne Infrastruktur - Ein Zukunftsthema der Landschaftsarchitektur

    BDLA-Präsidium setzt programmatischen Schwerpunkt

    author: Till Rehwaldt

    publisher: Kommunal-Verlag, Fachverlag für Kommunalwirtschaft und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Wuppertal 2014

    p. 436-438


  • gemeint

    Grüne Infrastruktur - Zukunftsthema der Landschaftsarchitektur

    author: Till Rehwaldt

    publisher: bdla, Berlin

    p. 3


  • Urbane Orte - Plätze, Promenaden


    publisher: Almut Jirku

    Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013, p. 90-96

  • Unser Platz

    Die Bausünden von Jahrzehnten machten viele Innenstädte zu Orten der Ödnis. Jetzt werden öffentliche Plätze als Spielwiesen für die Bürger gestaltet und erleben so eine Renaissance.

    author: Hans Oberländer

    p. 56-61

  • New Concept I Urban Landscape

    publisher: Phoenix Publishing Limited. Hong Kong, China

    2012, p. 106-113

    Kala - playground and green space in Berlin-Friedrichshain ULAP-Square, Berlin-Mitte